In 2016 Tela presented a piece of research showing the top 50 law firm website’s colour usage. The content was presented in an interactive form to allow users to browse through the top 50 law firm’s website colours, to compare and contrast the differences. We have now uploaded an updated version of the website colour usage for 2017, which shows a few interesting changes compared to the previous year.

One of the most obvious changes in colour usage was that many of the gaps in the colour spectrum have been filled, meaning that a wider range of colours are being used in general across the top 50 law firms. Blue still seems to be one of the most popular choices of colour in law firm website design. 2017 has also seen more tones and variations of blue introduced.

Many law firms seem to have moved away from different tones of brown, as we see more of a shift towards the brighter colours on the spectrum, one being shades of green. There is a noticeable increase in a number of law firms using green in their colour palate, with a few more opting for khaki shades and also blue toned greens.

There is also a clear increase in the number of firms using purple in their website designs. In 2016 there was limited use of purple, but the majority of shades were quite dark and verging on almost black. This year there seems to have been a wider range of purple shades introduced, including a number of violet shades which are very bright in comparison to those shown in last year’s results. There is also a significant increase in the use of darker pinks that merge into purple. 2017 also sees the introduction of many more pink shades with much brighter tones.


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