Using personalisation to increase levels of online communication

High levels of interaction and communication with clients can be achieved through a chambers website with a carefully planned marketing strategy. When implemented correctly, a website working with a content marketing strategy has the power to allow targeted communication, making marketing messages more powerful and leading to higher levels of engagement and brand recognition with your audience.

Traditional forms of digital marketing offer audiences a broad range of information, allowing them to learn more about general news and other forms of content. With this approach, different content will be of interest to different individuals at different times. Building personalisation into a digital strategy offers chambers an opportunity to target individuals with content they are more likely to want to view.

Personalisation simply refers to the focusing and tailoring of a brand’s interactions with an individual, based on what they know about them. The key factor here is ‘relevancy’. Making sure a brand is being relevant ranges from something as basic as using customer’s name in an email, right through to tailoring content pages to reflect an individual’s browsing activity.

Examples include personalised subject lines, greetings, or references to previous actions taken. Email campaigns can also benefit, with personalised campaigns showing much better open and click rates compared to generic emails.

The key to developing a good personalisation strategy for your chambers will be to break it down into manageable steps:

Define audience types

Defining your audience is extremely important. No amount of personalisation will work if the content is of no interest or relevance to each individual client.

Goals, KPI’s and ROI

Establish the chambers business goals and the benefits personalisation will provide to different audiences. You will need to define the KPIs and metrics which will prove ROI. That way, you know if the investment in personalisation has worked or indeed is the right (or best) thing to do to meet your business objectives.

Data and assets

Identify what data and insights are required to drive personalisation rules and decide whether your chambers has the content assets available to personalise interactions.

Testing and refinement

The options with personalisation are almost endless. Start with easier and higher return initiatives to prove the worth of personalisation. Once you have these foundations you should develop, upgrade and test.

A personalisation strategy will only ever be as good as the data behind it. If clients preferences become out of date or are not accurate, to begin with, there is the danger of delivering content that displays the wrong message. It is important to constantly evaluate the data being used and make sure that it evolves with your personalised experience.

A good personalisation strategy has the power to help chambers marketing to become predictive, rather than reactive. If implemented correctly it can provide the information clients want before they even request it leading to a positive brand experience and higher levels of conversions.


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