Responsive search is a concept that has been introduced to website design with the development of tablets and smartphone technology.

What is responsive search?

Responsive search is the way in which your website can sort through its different products or pages without the waiting time of page reloads. It keeps the user on the same page during the time it completes the search, meaning less of a delay in getting their results. In sites where there is a large amount of content to sift through, this can be highly beneficial, especially as users expect everything to be almost instantaneous.

Responsive Search Benefits

The use of responsive search offers a huge amount of benefits for not only the website itself but also the users. It allows the traditional methods of sub-categorising to still fall into place while giving more specific filter options that offer users more precise results.

Website Engagement

Over time it is likely that a website with responsive search facilities will see an increase in the amount of engagement it receives from the users. Visitors to the website will show a higher amount of engagement with the pages they view, as they are more tailored to their requirements.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate of the website should see a significant decrease as users have the ability to easily view and access the information they need.

User experience

As a whole, the user experience will be greatly improved with the use of a responsive search facility. The user journey is a key part of any websites design. It needs to be concise and intuitive for the user to be able to find the information they want quickly and efficiently. A responsive search facility would have a beneficial impact on their journey as it would shorten it and also give them access to content they may not have previously been aware of.


Although there are a number of factors that could increase the amount of conversions a website receives, having a responsive search facility is likely to increase conversions, in particular with e-commerce websites. On these types of websites, there are hundreds, if not thousands of products that could be shown in any one category. The use of responsive search helps narrow down the search results, providing users with a much more concise list of products. If visitors find the information they are looking for faster, there is a higher likelihood of achieving a conversion.


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