How to Prepare for Google’s Page Experience Update 2022

Google releases updates to its algorithm throughout the year in order to improve search results for users. This year Google is implementing a page experience update that will roll out during February and March 2022.

What’s involved with the page experience update?

Similar to the mobile update that came in early 2021, this new update will be using page experience as part of Google’s desktop ranking systems. A difference between the updates is that mobile-friendliness will remain a part of mobile ranking and will not be related to desktop rankings.

This means that Google is implementing the three Core Web Vitals Metrics to desktop rankings as well as other signals like HTTPS security.

Search Console report

Google is also launching a new search console report which helps site owners understand how their desktop pages are performing relating to page experience. This facility will launch before desktop becomes a ranking signal.

What do you need to do to prepare?

Preparation for this Google update is similar to the update that Google performed in June, Tela would recommend looking at the following areas:

Final Thoughts

The key elements to check on your website are your page loading speeds, performance and stability. If these three elements are optimised and working well, your website should be fine during the February performance update!


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