An ‘About Us’ page is an important area of your website as it is likely that clients who are considering to do business with your company are viewing this page to evaluate if you come across as credible and trustworthy.
It can be a good page for encouraging further interaction with users to the rest of the site if designed and worded well.
Attracting your Target Audience
In order to attract the right audience, you need to keep SEO in mind. It is possible to get your about us page ranking in the search engines, which can be highly important for building up brand awareness when brand keywords are searched for in the search engines.
Use the about us page to write about your company and its achievements. You want to use this page to build up credibility and show the user the information on the company that they want to know before doing business with you.
Competitor Research
As it is with most things on your website you will want to always look at your competitors and see what it is that they have written and what it is that is interesting about it. Identify interesting formats to present the about us page content in order to encourage users to engage with the page.
Facts and Statistics
You should use statistics and facts on the page. Using this method is a lot more effective because you are giving the audience a chance to use their own opinion and decide for themselves.
You could also display these statistics in different interesting ways like a timeline as this will help to attract people to your site more.
Using real images that are taken by your company are a lot more effective than standard stock photos. It shows to the audience the real faces behind your company which helps to make you seem more approachable and friendly. Stock images also do not give you any creative control over the images. This will mean that it may be slightly wrong for your brand and the image you want to portray compared to an image that you have taken.
Stand out
Standing outside the box can really help to show off your company and help others to see a different side of you that they won’t forget. For example; you could add in a interesting hobby that you do and try to tie it in with your business. This will help to catch people’s attention and make sure that they don’t forget you!
Update your About Us Page Regularly
Make sure that you keep editing and adding to your about us page as your company begins to grow. You can add different sections to your about us page as the business grows so that it is easier for a user to get around the page and get the information that they need to be looking at.
Call to Actions
Call to actions (CTAs) can help you to drive traffic from your website into leads. Adding a CTA that is telling people to get in touch is good as it means you will be able to gather information about that potential client to use in the future.
Final Thoughts
An about us page should be written with lots of care as it is a potential way to gain new customers and retain old ones. Making sure that you research facts, have your own images and stand out from competitors will help to make sure your about us page is of a good quality.