Surveys can be a great tool to identify ways you can further improve your law firm’s website. They don’t just have to be used externally to gather feedback from your clients. They can also successfully be used internally to gather information and ideas from the staff and lawyers.
Using the surveys internally can be a good opportunity to gather information about current trends and areas that your law firm can develop in. It’s as simple as putting together a survey that allows all members of staff to contribute towards suggestions for development of the website. The survey is a great opportunity to use the staff and lawyers knowledge to progress the law firm and website among its competitors.
The results from the internal surveys can give an idea for any potential tools that could be implemented on the website to help with functionality – for example, automating lawyers CVs. These are the types of tools that would offer a bespoke experience for clients, and make the website easier to navigate.
Data can also be gathered from calls taken from clients to identify any keywords and phrases that can be used throughout the website. This data will give an insight into the type of language clients use, which can then be used to suggest further edits to the website to appeal to those specific clients.
Knowledge of current issues and the understanding lawyers have of the niche areas of law they work in is invaluable when identifying opportunities. The lawyers will have knowledge surrounding the current and upcoming trends within the industry, which would give inspiration for new content that can be created on the website. The sooner the trend-based content is created and published on the website, the higher the chance it has for appearing top of the search engines. Lawyers may also have some ideas for new practice areas which could have pages of content developed and put your website ahead of the competitors.