Tela wanted to see what colour and luminosity trends were being used online in the pharmaceutical sector so created an interactive tool to allow users to be able to browse through all of the top 50 pharmaceutical companies colour usage.

To complete this research we have taken screenshots of each of the top 50 pharmaceutical companies homepages then used a tool to show the top ten colours on each. We then entered this research into a database that presented the results on the interactive tool, displaying the use of colours on the top 50 pharmaceutical websites.

The tool displays all 50 pharmaceutical website colours on one screen. You can also filter by individual companies colours by selecting ‘filter by UK pharma companies’. This allows you to view and compare each of the companies within the industry.

From the research we have found that pharmaceutical websites contain a lot of blue colours. The information shows that, in particular, an aqua or light blue is very popular for pharmaceutical website colours in 2017.

Colours that are also showing a lot of usage are the lighter reds and oranges, while purples and pinks seem to not be a popular colour choice for pharmaceutical websites in 2017. Green is also a colour that not many pharmaceutical websites are using in their design. That being said, forest green does seem to jump out from the data as being the most popular tone from the small selection of greens used.


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