Increasing Your Twitter Click-Through Rate

With an estimated 100 million daily users, each with an average of 208 followers, Twitter is a huge social media platform, but it can sometimes be difficult to get your tweets to stand out in an overflowing news feed. If you want your tweets to be as successful as possible in terms of their reach, then you need to be effective in your strategy. The following tips will help your tweets reach a wider audience while also increasing the volume of click throughs you receive for each tweet.

Use images

A study conducted by Buffer found tweets that included an image were up to 18% more likely to receive a link click. As well as this, the research found that the tweets with images received 89% more favourites and 150% more retweets. Tweets with images also stand out more on twitter homepage newsfeed, meaning that they are less likely to get lost amongst the other tweets.


Hashtags are essential on tweets if you want them to have a good reach. They give the tweet higher visibility and are also proven to increase engagement. It is recommended that you use one or two hashtags in a tweet and no more, as this can actually have a negative impact on the engagement of the tweet and appear a little spammy.

Space out your tweets

If you don’t want your tweets to get lost amongst your pages feed, then you need to make sure they are spaced out. It is recommended that you don’t tweet more than once every half an hour if you want your audience to see your tweet and interact with it. Try using an automation tool such as Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule tweets to times you have manually set which helps avoid tweeting too much.

Use a Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is highly important if you your audience to follow through with an action after reading your tweet. You need to identify the specific action you want completed at this stage. The tweet can then be adapted in order to encourage your audience to follow through. For example tweeting “Download our FREE whitepaper here” followed by a link to the webpage. This encourages users to complete the action as you are providing them with a value proposition as part of your CTA.

Experiment to find your best time for engagement

You will need to experiment to find out when your audience are most active and engaged on twitter. It is essential to find out what time of the day, and also what days of the week are more successful. You are then able to create a strategy in order to target your audience at the times most likely to produce results. Buffer offers an optimisation tool which allows you to schedule tweets according to the times your audience are most active.

By using some of these tips and tricks when tweeting you will see a significant increase in the amount of engagement your tweets receive and also a rise in the click through rates. Before tweeting, double check that each of the links you are using works and leads visitors through to the correct page.


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